I thought I knew what being a great wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and entrepreneur looked like. Some of my identity was wrapped up in people, performance and things. In the midst God spoke very clearly to me. TAKE CARE OF HOME FIRST! That meant, what I allowed in it physically, mentally and spiritually all mattered to God. I noticed when I actually took charge of my mind and made more thoughtful decisions, things began to shift. The way I cared for my physical home changed. The way I cared for myself changed. The way I cared for my family changed. I noticed God was REDEFINING me. In this process I grieved over what I thought I WANTED & realized this is exactly what I NEEDED. God wanted the AUTHENTIC ALEXIS. Which meant I had to face things I shoved under the rug head on with His help. He wanted all of me so that He could heal me. And in that, my family gets the healed me. The healed me is showing a different way of living for my children & my children’s children, because a healed home is a healed society.
Home is truly the foundation of it all!